SIDS - I'm 77 years old and have always known about SIDS deaths but didn't pay any attention to them other than later in life I wondered how perfectly normal, healthy children could just stop breathing. BUT EVERYTHING became crystal clear 4 years ago with the introduction of the Covid jabs and the ready made "vaccines" and then the proliferation of more SIDS cases. It was a simple thing for a logical thinking human being to assemble the "cause and effect" of the recent SIDS cases this past 4 years. Now I'm convinced 100% that all the SIDS cases I heard about BEFORE Covid were similarly caused by a deadly vaccine adverse effect.

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I woke up to SIDS when I heard the term SADS. It was like a lightbulb went on.

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Babies and small children have been made ill with these poisonous broths for decades, even to the point of death!!! The more poison an expectant mother carries, the sooner the newborn dies or babies are again injected with toxic substances into the body - very many cannot process/detoxify this and die - very many others worldwide, then detoxify at kindergarten age up to about 14 years of age via the skin in the form of rashes and pustules, fever etc..., because the skin, as the largest organ, is also the largest detoxification/excretory organ - these symptoms are then called measles, rubella etc. in order to inject toxins again and the pharmaceutical industry is the only winner!!!!







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Thanks for that reply Mary-Ann. It supports my armature observation about the SID's controversy and it's source. I also wonder why there isn't more public awareness about the good health of Amish children compared to the vast majority of jabbed kids and their adverse effects. I remember reading that a study had begun but quickly abandon after early evidence showed Amish kids were much healthier and no jabs.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

And note that there are data showing the reduction of SIDS during the COVID lockdowns, proportional to reductions of infant immunisation. These reports are not widely acknowledged!

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I absolutely concur with Dr. Bridle. It is critical that police officers retain the right to investigate ALL potential causes of harm to people. This is especially important when governments and public health are causing the harm. This case will dramatically change the future of policing in Canada for the worse if they rule against Detective Grus .

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Inconvenient questions about Covid clot shots are not allowed in TRudough's Kanada.

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When will he stop! He has stopped at nothing. Deaths, lies, corruption is all I see. I agree with you PJ Selby. Thank you for your important input.

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Trudeau has set up a Covid vaccine victim financial compensation account. He clearly has accepted they were NOT Safe and Effective. Jab victims should sue the custom SOCKS off the dangerous fool.

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The Canadian government has been one of the most corrupt and tyrannical on the planet on anything to do with covid and mRNA products. I never thought I'd see that day. Canada and Canadians don't deserve their corrupt, treasonous government.

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We have to thank loyal Liberal voters who will die at the voting booth checking off their Liberal candidate.

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The towel headed traitor from Burnaby BC is the only person keeping this WEF led penetrated cabinet shit show afloat

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Praying 🙏 ❤️thank you for letting us know. Psalm 103:6 “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.”

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The drop in all vaccinations was accompanied by a drop in SIDS.

This is not coincidental.

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This was especially evident in Japan

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Do you have any data sets from Japan?

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Thanks for bringing attention to this, I hope that you're well!

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Wonder how the decks are stacked for this woman who questioned and the force that may be captured like any of the unionized groups?

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May 27·edited May 27

Whilst lawyers have pre-planned questions for witnesses, it is often the case that questions arise from the answer to a prior question. Therefore it is outrageous that questions must be given in advance. This not only allows the witness to pre-prepare answers (no doubt with coaching/ advice from the legal team for the prosecution) but it prevents witness evidence being fully & robustly tested (which is the primary purpose of a witnesses being examined in court).

Whilst it is completely wrong to demand questions in advance (and should not be, even remotely, supported or tolerated), if such a protocol is to be imposed then it should equally apply to both sides.

These purported proceedings have 'kangaroo court' written all over them!

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Spiritual war’s must be fought in the spirit. Get on your knees humble before God asking forgiveness for all your sins, and seek His intervention in the wrong doing. god is a God of Justice and showers mercy on those who repent and seek Him

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Thank you Dr. Bridle for this, I had no idea this was going on. I do not understand why all inquiries about this shot are taboo. The firing of doctors, smearing their reputations, judges being reprimanded and now a detective. A definite pattern of behaviour . This is going on worldwide. It’s bizarre and scary. None of us know for sure who is wielding this immense power over governments of the world. What was in those contracts signed with pharma? We’re not allowed to see them. Was there a clause defending pharma to the bitter end? Nothing is making any sense.

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Thank you for keeping us informed. I agree this case will tell a lot about the independence of police officers. Regardless, her career as a police officer is likely over or significantly curtailed. But in the longer term she will be proud of her actions and not have to live in shame the remainder of her life.

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Good video on the topic of censorship:

How The US Government Uses Social Media To Censor Free Speech | Mike Benz and Marc Beckman


It's about The Blob in the US, but I think it applies to Canada just as well.

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There is a GiveSendGo for her.

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She is another one who has done a great service. Praying she gets a fair shake. Confident? No, but still hopeful that justice be served.

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