I sincerely and with all my heart, salute your honesty, bravery and scientific knowledge, and I hope the cowards that ousted you will have their days of reckoning and that you will have your credibility restored. In my mind you are a true scientist, all the best to you!

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Well said!

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I will never forget reading your material on bio distribution… I thought it was the turning point and that governments and other scientists would question the shots too. Boy was I wrong. The upside is many people had their eyes opened to the inner workings of the academy, media, public health, government, pharma & the relationship among these groups. Stunning revelations.

The Japanese have chosen the right scientist for this talk. Congratulations.

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Thank you very much for raising the Red Flag early on about this dangerous product. Dr. Byram Bridle! You set the Gold standard with your honesty and integrity. Shame on those, unprofessionals, at your workplace, who do not stand behind you, who represents the Truth and saved lives. Shame on the University of Guelph that did not stand behind you and your honest work.

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I am so sorry for the incredibly high price you were made to pay, all for doing your job and following your morals and ethics as a honourable man, my gratitude is not enough. I vividly remember your initial commentary on this study as a huge turning point for my personal journey and I shared it further through podcasts and articles. Your ripples will have made a huge impact far and wide 😊🙏

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You are a scientist with a strong ethical core, a very rare breed in today's world and it probably has always been rare. What use is a scientist to humanity without having the morals to know what is right and what is wrong. I wish you well in your talk, I remember when you first revealed the biodistribution study from Japan, you have sacrificed a great deal for your honesty, thank you!

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A long time ago, a friend sent me a link to your biodistribution article, and it changed my mind about getting the jab. (It demonstrated the CDC "stays in your arm" line was either a lie, or incredibly uninformed.) Since then I've learned so much more, and my conviction has only grown stronger. Your intellectual curiosity and honesty has probably helped hundreds of thousands of people to see through the public health dishonesty. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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I wish I’d seen it. Instead I read disparaging remarks in the Toronto star about dr. Bridle. Shamefully, I believed it. My head just wasn’t in the right space. When I see where I’ve come from to now is stunning. I would have never believed the all out lies and propaganda possible to this deep extent.

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Yes, I wish everyone in the world had a nice skeptical friend who cared about them :)

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Only one family member believed me.

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The Alex Pierson podcast is no longer available on Apple at the link your provided. I hope your talk at the Conference will be recorded and that we will be able to see it. Very great you will be presenting this important history. Congratulations!

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Hi Diana,

Thank you. I have updated the link with one that should be active.

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Great job in Calgary last week...just watched your presentation. Awesome.

We await our UCP MLA provide an update to the people of Strathmore, Alberta.

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Has anyone ever asked Reuters and USA Today to retract their “fact checking”?

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I pray you change some minds there. With love from the Philippines

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Dr. Bridle. I don’t believe those colleagues merit your consideration. They hung you out to dry…alone. I wouldn’t even worry about them finally seeing the truth. They have shown their true colours and are not worthy of your respect. You are the person with integrity and a concern for your fellow man. Their only concern was for themselves. Do you really want to associate with such people? You’d be forever checking your back.

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Sadly, we are dependent on these "professionals" to act like professionals and speak up when something is not right. The longer they refuse to swallow their pride and admit that a mistake was made, the longer the division and polarization of our society will extend.

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Thanks Dr. Bridle. I still have the original biodistribution study that you shared. It's even in Japanese.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Me too but I now carry the Australian one as it is the official English translation. We got it almost 2 years later.

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Congratulations! This is Good News.

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The Australian government acknowledged as much about myocarditis by introducing this new diagnostic code (for vaccine-induced myocarditis), 10 months (Jan 2022) after the rollout of the nRNA shots.


They had all that time since to course-correct and stop the shots,but instead kept pushing the “safe and effective” mantra.

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Eventually you will be restored in every way Dr B. Take heart. Doing the right thing is always the way to go.

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Thank for your integrity and honesty. My prayer is that eventually your colleagues will have a day of reckoning even if it is to admit to the lie they believed and pushed. Your credibility is high with those who know the truth!

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