Re: Covid jabs


Yes, if you don't take them.


Yes, if you want to get infected with Covid, get myocarditis, ruin your immune system, and more.

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I *love* the Canadian COVID Care Alliance and have repeatedly linked to their crystalline “More Harm Than Good” (https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/the-pfizer-inoculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good-2/) analysis of the Pfizer clinical trial data (e.g., https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature).

It was Jessica Rose’s August 27, 2021, presentation (still on YouTube, amazingly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MViwU3XOo) to the CCCA that first introduced me to them and which I referenced in this piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) last year. That was where I learned the injections had not been tested on pregnant women.

“I really wish that my colleagues following, supporting, and contributing to narrative-buoying misinformation would take the time to watch this from an objective point of view.”

If you find any who are willing to open their eyes, let me know! I am still waiting for one who is courageous enough to even answer one of these questions:

• “30 Questions for a Narrative Believer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/30-questions-for-a-narrative-believer)

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Hi Margaret. Thanks for these great resources! With respect to finding people willing to open their eyes, I agree. The place where this is most likely to happen is in my dreams:)

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So true, Byram! I will say I was impressed with the courage and humility Tim Robbins displayed in his Matt Taibbi interview (https://taibbi.substack.com/p/tim-robbins-and-the-lost-art-of-finding), but it is extraordinarily rare to find anyone who is willing to re-evaluate their beliefs and behaviors honestly. I thanked Tim for his healing words, and he was kind enough to follow me on Twitter and exchange private messages. I hope to interview him someday as he may hold the key to helping us understand how well-meaning people become Good Germans instead of Badass Germans (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass).

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I too link to the "More Harm Than Good" presentation multiple times in my Substack, and have directly sent it to more people than any other article, video, or link I've come across in the past year. Thanks for your amazing courage and hard work!

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Thank you Dr for everything that you do for us.

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I will certainly carve out an hour. Appreciate the info as always.

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Dr. Bridle:

Care to share your thoughts on the documentary "Died Suddenly", if you've seen it?

I thought it was a mixed bag...but the parts with the embalmers (which I mostly knew about already) were quite good.

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Hi Patrick. I thought it contained a lot of scientifically defensible information intermixed with some unnecessary rhetoric. Some of the latter may or may not be true, but at this point in time there is insufficient data for me to personally back it up. There is no question that autopsies should be performed more often these days to better understand these very serious concerns. Governments should invest into formal autopsy-based research studies run by objective arms-length experts to either confirm or refute what well-respected embalmers are reporting. Their legitimate concerns need to be taken seriously. Instead, it seems that autopsies are being discouraged in many cases where people that are dying unexpectedly. Overall, in my experience, presenting good science with a little bit of questionable content allows those pushing the misinformed narrative to use the latter to discredit the former. We are all human and to achieve perfection in the dissemination of complicated information is nearly impossible. However, we need to do everything we can to put forward information that is as bullet-proof as possible. In the end, the producers of this film were well-intentioned, and that means a lot.

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Well said; that is similar to what other doctors/professors have said.

In other news, you may have heard Dr. Malone is suing Stew Peters and others for libel...

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Dr. Malone…did they autopsy any/all those young, healthy Canadian physicians that just “suddenly died?” Maybe 🤔 just maybe if they did autopsies and compared results, they could narrow in on a possible common causation.

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I couldn't agree more!

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Problem is, they know the cause and the last thing they want are autopsies to prove the truth...

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Thank you Dr. Bridle for your unrelenting voice of reason. I was fortunate enough to have a great conversation about a year ago with one of your fellow Advisory Committee members. It was clear then how the 'narrative' was based on faulty science and in light of the growing body of data I am astonished how many people have remained blind to this reality.

Are you aware of the new bill that the B.C. government is intent on passing? It will consolidate the power of licensing medical organizations into the hands of the B.C. government (a government that has held steadfast to the narrative and felt justified in discriminating against those of us who would not comply). Doctors who do not then comply with the narrative will face fines and licensure loss. It seems we are already living in a totalitarian dystopia.

As a parent I am also aware that the province is creating a provincial vaccine database for ALL school age children! They claim that it does not matter if your child is homeschooled or attends private school - you 'by law' must submit their vaccination records. However, when you dig deeper you find that if you 'choose' to withhold this information from their system then should there be an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease at your child's school, your child may have to remain at home for days or weeks. This 'law' by design punishes the child (through isolation from peers) and the parents many of who simply can not afford to not work for weeks, so this threat is designed to force compliance with whatever vaccines they might add to the list also. The ability to 'opt out' by not complying with the request is really only an option for high income earners or for those that have one parent who works from home - for all others it is still 'comply or suffer the consequences of not complying'.

I have never been 'anti-vax' - had the two given when I was a child and my children also had their 'scheduled' vaccines. However, after witnessing what has gone on in the last few years and knowing how unreliable (under reported) the numbers are for vaccine SAE I now question not only this vaccine but am very interested in seeing the clinical trial data of the other 'safe and effective' vaccines, many of which I now have learned were never trialed against an inert placebo?

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You have every reason to be proud of the CCCA, and your association with it, Dr. Bridle. The organization's public communications have been outstanding in content and quality, from the very beginning. The material stands in stark contrast to the unresearched, conformist cheerleading seen from most medical groups and journals in their COVID coverage. You have brought together a great group of people -- one of the very few good things to emerge from this mess.

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Dr Bridle, this may fall outside of your scope of practice but I am concerned at the moment about a push or movement towards antiviral therapies where viral causes are not necessarily recognized as the cause.

I have ME/CFS a condition similar to, but not exactly the same as long covid.

There is a push, a narrative forming in circles pushing the idea that latent viral infections are the cause for this syndrome. There is some evidence of 80% of those tested having identified certain recurring infections and viral markers. But that also means by definition there are 20% who do not.

20% isn't an outlier. That is a substantial number of those. How do they fit in?

I think either a prolonged immune response, something similar to an autoimmune condition is more plausible. This can be observed through cytokine mapping. Dr Bruce Patterson has shown in great deal how this can be used to map biomarkers but he isn't the only one.

Or it could be mitochondrial mutagenesis. Damage to mitochondrial DNA. Another common finding in ME/CFS but harder to test for. You end up with a bit of a chicken and egg situation. Did the immune changes cause damage to mitochondria, or did the damaged mitochondria cause the immune change? I don't know. My best guess is the mitochondria were damaged first leading to the systemic changes.

But it seems to me they are pushing for new super duper new antiviral therapies with all sorts of potential adverse effects, to a great number of desperate people. And the nudge units are in trying their best to ensure everyone accepts this theory. It's kind of scary.

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Alright I watched the presentation. Some take-aways are

1. Europeans seem far more likely to bend policies after harvesting and reviewing true data than we in North America

2. The regulatory agencies and their marketing people are like McDonald's and their marketing people--they just want business and will do whatever it takes to get their year end bonuses

I love how the data classifications of needle raped vs. un-jabbed are blurred to borrow positives from the un-jabbed into the data of the jabbed, and the un-jabbed data are poisoned with jabbed. Sounds like communism applied to statistics.

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Thank you for staying on this and working so hard to keep us informed.

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Also, we have no idea yet of the cumulative long-term effects of the jabs. Everything points to them being huge and horrendous.

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Despite glaring evidence on side effects of this jab, we have virtual conferences propagating the need for it! Evil games at its peak! https://globeandmailevents.com/covidvaccinesforchildren

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Excellent presentation. Thank you.

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The Canadian woman’s analysis is amazing. Too bad frontline or any msm in regards these analyses as MDM. We could have saved so many lives. My brother-in-law took the shots to protect his heart, since his family has heart disease problems. So much for truth and luckily he is still alive. However he is still taking every booster coming along. I’ve given up on sending articles. The cdc and this administration has no excuse for pushing these jabs after the Nordic study. Malfeasance for what? Money and power.

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I have been calling for a clear differentiation between three categories of risk, vaccine injury, covid injury and a combination of both - all of which are currently called long covid. I frequent the long covid groups on Facebook where mention of the injection is not allowed, so we have no idea which of the three groups is most commonly represented. Symptoms range from severe and long term to comparatively minor although not insignificant.

As an unvaxxed person hospitalised for 2 weeks which what was called covid, and now experiencing some symptoms of long covid, I think the difference matters. We might need different treatment protocols for the three different manifestations. I note that some researchers are now saying that the naturally acquired spike is behaving differently from the jabbed spike, and that alone tells us the treatments might be different. But while there is this lack of clarity, the medical profession is leaving us to die long and slow deaths - not only the vaxxed but also the unvaxxed who contracted something called covid.

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