Thank you Dr. Bridle from first announcing the danger of Covid vaccines with your phone call to the Toronto radio station explaining the Japanese study. You and your fellow colleagues who have risked everything by stepping up to be a beacon of truth in these insane Covid plans for deliberate population reduction by the Hitler's of today. Truth will win.

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Huge congratulations and prayers for success 🙏❤️🙏

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Well done Dr. Bridle. Discovered you prior to the Freedom Convoy, along with Canadian Ethics Professor Dr. Julie Ponesse and many other brave Canuckistanian dissenting voices.


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Congratulations Dr. Bridle. You and Dr. Hibbard and Dr. Rose - three Canadian heroes.

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Congratulations Dr. Bridle! I have been right beside you since t=0. Your bravery and intellectual honesty has been very much appreciated!

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The truth indeed will set you free! (And make you stronger) Congratulations Dr. Bridle! Again, so proud of your strength and knowledge! Accolades all around!!!!

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Congratulations Byram. I wish you all good luck with this endeavor. God knows it is an influence that is badly needed.

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You continue to do us proud.

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Thank you for standing up and being a voice that we can trust and learn from you.

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This is wonderful, congratulations. So thankful there are good hearted people that can be found practing and leading a new path in health care in a global arena.

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Dr Bridle, you deserve it.

Thank you for all you are doing.

The truth IS emerging.

It always does.

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Congratulations Dr. bridle! I have always admired your courage, intelligence and integrity!

God bless you!

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Good to know that not all Canadian medical people are corrupted or useful idiots! We’ll done and I hope it will prove useful here in Canuckistan ruled by the left wing nut-jobs controlling the Liberal and NDP parties and half of the ‘Conservative’ parties. My God have mercy on us God fearing or plain common sense Canadians! ❤️👍🏻🙏🏼

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Speaking for myself

Pride is a good word, we are proud for you of course and all the others which have earned their place. Greatfull for the concept, a body with health driven goals as opposed to profit driven.

Who would of thought it would have become necessary, but.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work, Who knew ,when did they know, who suppressed it

Accountability Now Now Now


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That’s great news. Your such an Asset to the group

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