This "vaccine" (it's NOT a vaccine) is the worst industrial disaster in history. The bolus theory posits that is unintentional injection of "vaccine" into veins (it doesn't have to hit the vein directly) means that about 5 percent of these shots are dangerous. For some reason the WHO says you don't need to aspirate in its guidelines. Man…
This "vaccine" (it's NOT a vaccine) is the worst industrial disaster in history. The bolus theory posits that is unintentional injection of "vaccine" into veins (it doesn't have to hit the vein directly) means that about 5 percent of these shots are dangerous. For some reason the WHO says you don't need to aspirate in its guidelines. Many shots are injected too fast.
Many have been disabled, many more have been injured. VAERS undercounting (VAERS only records an estimated 1-10 percent of actual injuries) along with a STEADY DISAPPEARANCE of records each month means many have died and been injured for a "vaccine" that doesn't even work. Since the antibodies are in the blood, not the mucosa, it could never have worked anyway. The use of the spike as the target antigen, by all mRNA (that's MODIFIED RNA, NOT messenger RNA) means that transfected cells produce spike perhaps until they finally die.
The people who think that all this could have been a mistake will be few and far between for good reason. My critiques are not even a sample of the number of mistakes made.
This disaster will haunt mankind for many years. I didn't even mention the plasmid contamination that studies are suggesting are permanent random changes to the human genome. Yes, they are reverse transcribed into DNA
How does where you inject it have anything to do with how dangerous it is, as it travels EVERYWHERE in the body? That has now been proven by multiple studies, by multiple researchers and others. I think this "bolus theory" is a distraction, at best, and a potential way for Pharma & gubmints to question US and thus keep us from getting justice...
This "vaccine" (it's NOT a vaccine) is the worst industrial disaster in history. The bolus theory posits that is unintentional injection of "vaccine" into veins (it doesn't have to hit the vein directly) means that about 5 percent of these shots are dangerous. For some reason the WHO says you don't need to aspirate in its guidelines. Many shots are injected too fast.
Many have been disabled, many more have been injured. VAERS undercounting (VAERS only records an estimated 1-10 percent of actual injuries) along with a STEADY DISAPPEARANCE of records each month means many have died and been injured for a "vaccine" that doesn't even work. Since the antibodies are in the blood, not the mucosa, it could never have worked anyway. The use of the spike as the target antigen, by all mRNA (that's MODIFIED RNA, NOT messenger RNA) means that transfected cells produce spike perhaps until they finally die.
The people who think that all this could have been a mistake will be few and far between for good reason. My critiques are not even a sample of the number of mistakes made.
This disaster will haunt mankind for many years. I didn't even mention the plasmid contamination that studies are suggesting are permanent random changes to the human genome. Yes, they are reverse transcribed into DNA
How does where you inject it have anything to do with how dangerous it is, as it travels EVERYWHERE in the body? That has now been proven by multiple studies, by multiple researchers and others. I think this "bolus theory" is a distraction, at best, and a potential way for Pharma & gubmints to question US and thus keep us from getting justice...
Great Comment! Share it widely!