They should be budgeting billions, not millions!

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That money needs to be taken from the salaries of all the people and the budgets of all the institutions that pushed these shots. The taxpayers have already suffered enough.

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They already gave 3 billion to Ukraine...

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...as pointless as flushing money and resources down the drain.

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Yes, this is a drop in the bucket.

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I have a client who has made a claim. While I could strongly sense the adjudicators of the claim were trying to pay out as little money to my client as possible, they did approve my client's claim because if they had not, their bias would have been revealed too much. There are just so many injuries that cannot be denied too much without creating a worse PR nightmare. So, significant funds must be allocated to pay at least some of these people out. The value of the COVID vaccine injuries in this country is easily in the billions. If VISP pays out even a small portion, it will run into the hundreds of millions, I expect.

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Sadly 36 million is a token compared to what should be allocated. If the public ever gets it that they've been poisoned, 36 billion isn't going to be enough.

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I am so looking forward to the rabid mobs prowling the streets, howling for the blood of the monsters who did this to them... 🤔

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I'm not expecting this, at least not for some time. I still know too many people who I strongly suspect are injured from these shots but who do not attribute their troubles to the shots. For example, I know quite a few people who had arthritis. Their symptoms went from tolerable to 'I can barely walk' soon after receiving the shots. They don't put 2 and 2 together and most of them never will. In addition, that problem, I'm guessing would be hard to prove. It is on the list of Pfizer side effects.

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I hear you.. Boy... do I hear you... Just in the last week I listened to these two presentations, courtesy of Dr. William Makis; a couple of armchair presentations as to the nature of the Covid Fraud from David Martin:

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-the-great-setup-drdavid-martin?r=o7w81

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-the-great-setup-drdavid-martin-5d3?

And this presentation from Jeff Rense; seems ALS (Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis) cases are suddenly going through the roof; striking people in their 20s and 30s...

💣 https://ln5.sync.com/dl/506ee7cf0/nue9zbza-rii5mxyj-keff5u2q-vcmvjtzc/view/default/18500383890010

And... come to think of it, further to Dr. Bridle's article, this piece via "Lioness of Judah": 💣 "Massive Cancer Deaths Study Vindicates My Warnings Over COVID Boosters" - https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/profangus-dalgleish-massive-cancer

"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

– George Carlin

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Apr 19
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What a word you used. Gutted. Now I have a word that finally describes my condition.

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I have received that phone call from a brother and my youngest daughter. Both have heart problems now and were perfectly healthy. Right after my daughter got the jab she had 2 miscarriages and her whole family is non-stop sick but she won't listen to anything about side effects or how to help herself. My brother has POTS, he was a world class athlete, and he said he would take every shot they would offer. Now he got up fast, his heart started racing and he fell and cracked his ribs. Must be a coincidence. Many more friends are the same way with a variety of illnesses from tinnitus to nerve damage. Only one friend admits to regretting the jab.

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In the 4 years of the Scamdemic, not one person at my job ever called in sick with "Covid". In 4 years, I was aware of not one credible case of... "Covid"... and in those 4 years, not one single death was I aware of.

Since the release of The Lethal Injections? I'm aware of 5 deaths – counting my ex-landlady's cat – had to put the poor creature down, an inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs; she herself has had 4 doses of it.. and 25 permanent, debilitating injuries, to do with strokes and blood-clotting issues...

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I know of 3 people who were sick with covid and died. My choice of words is on purpose. One of those people was outside of Canada, 2 of them did not take the shots and the 3rd probably did. Of the 2, the outside of Canada death was a 55ish year old man who was probably diabetic with heart problems. The other was an early 70's woman also probably diabetic. I have no idea what treatments the 3 people received and strongly suspect that with proper treatment, their deaths might have been avoided so I can't say they died 'of covid'. They may have died of their treatment.

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Actually and please excuse me Vanda: No you didn't. What you saw, if anything, was good old Influenza A... and Influenza B...

Covid was and is a complete scam and a fraud, from beginning to end. I know this for among other reasons, Patrick King in the Province of Alberta was arrested for non-compliance.. He subpoenaed that lying bitch, Chief Medical Health Officer Deena Hinshaw for proof of the existence of the so-called Sars-Cov-2 virus. She didn't appear, but the lawyers for the Government admitted they had no samples of the virus, nor any proof of its existence... nor does any other government or agency, including the CDC and the FDA. Should have ended this fraud world wide, right then and there, but 2 weeks later Hinshaw and Premier Kenney were right back to their shit-eating lies.. They and all our political leaders involved in this should publicly hang for what they've done.

Take the hour out of your life to watch these presentations by David Martin. The degree of criminality he describes, worldwide, is simply incomprehensible.

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/mrna-injury-stories-state-of-nevada

💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-canadian-independent-17-year

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I also know of a few people, hard to say how many, that died of the shots: one was a man in his 90's who had massive problems with blood clots after the shots. Another was a man who was healthy until his 'sudden death' at age 33.

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With GMO crops, fungi, AI/human integration and millions of severely autistic, vaccine damaged adults and children living in warehouses, the rabid mobs you mentioned might not be who you think.

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Well well well looks like they know there’s trouble a brewing and they want to quietly deal with it hence no election messaging. Fumbleddumb Trudeau can spin anything so we know it’s an intentional oversight.

Thank you for your hard work dr. B. On a side note could you or someone else share some

Resources about other vaccines - childhood vaccines specifically? I was always a bit vaccine hesitant due to family member having an adverse reaction as a child to a vaccine (this was 30+ years ago) and now after all the COVID craziness I am suspicious of all vaccines and the entire industry. Are any vaccines actually “safe and effective”?

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I have two cousins whom I never really knew; both died suddenly when they were babies.

Doctors dubbed their deaths as Sudden Infant Death.

Now I wonder: Were they early vaccine deaths?

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My babysitter’s son had a huge reaction to a vaccine. His pediatrician wanted him to have half a dose for the second shot but that doc was out of the office during the well baby visit: the other doc mocked the mother’s concern. She lived ten minutes from the doctor’s office. Her precious little boy had stopped breathing by the time she arrived at home and by the time the paramedics took him away his arm was over twice its normal size.

He was gone.

She requested a blood sample the next day: denied. She was not allowed to see the body.

She complained. The hospital told her that if she mentioned it again they would charge HER with Murder I—HER CPR had killed him.

Mind blowing.

That was in the ‘80’s.

The story of her precious son sure changed me. I became much more independent of the thinking of doctors and that actually did save my daughter at least twice.

We are the hedge of protection.

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Makes my blood boil and my heart is broken by the EVIL Sadistic scumbags that I consider to be a Disgrace to the human race!

The PLANDEMIC is the biggest crime against humanity in history! I hope the criminals rot in HEL for eternity!

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What country did this happen in?

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In the US in North Carolina.

At least the pediatrician who ordered the shot quit working with children and went into research.

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I sure hope someone told that doctor what he did to the precious boy, and that he learned to never discount a parent's concern ever again. I hate this happened near my home, and I pray he never created poison during his research days.

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I actually got to talk to him. Sad thing, tragic thing: I suspect he was an unusually kind person and an excellent doctor who believed the narrative about benign vaccines.

He went to John’s Hopkins after he made that mistake and never saw patients while there. However, when my daughter was ill he kindly spoke with me at length (2 hours+) helping me to think through her medical issues. And then I strongly suspect that he called the doctor he recommended because the appointment moved from six months out to the following Monday!

After I spoke with him I connected the story of my babysitter’s son with the kind John’s Hopkins doctor.

It made me more compassionate towards doctors who honestly have not suspected that the vaccines are toxic.

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Me too. I remember witnessing a case where a couple's baby was left for just a few minutes asleep, and next thing it was dead. There has never been an answer. But now that it's happening to adults SAD, same thing, they don't know why, which makes me extremely suspicious that many more atrocities have and are still happening with vaccines in general. I think vaccine hesitancy should be encouraged. It's time to get to the bottom of all of this. I will never take a vaccine of any type. Apart from childhood vaccines, over which I obviously had no say, I've never had any vaccines . I am in the older age bracket and healthy!

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Wait... are we now saying it isn't safe to inject heavy metals into babies?

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Imagine that!

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I woke up to SIDS when I first heard about SADS. A light bulb went off in my head.

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I agree.

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YES. Healthy babies do not just die for no reason. Japan has already proven the MMR causes SIDS and stopped using it many years ago. Their SIDS rate today is the lowest in the world.

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Official trailer for Protocol7, movie in theatres May 24 on MMR coverup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-NyF2d_hVY

to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine. Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”

alert to upcoming movie we'd like I think: Protocol7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-NyF2d_hVY


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Thanks for the link to Dr. Andrew Wakefield. After doing a search, I found this great article by Dr. Tess Lowrie.


Whenever I come across something like this, I think of Dr Ignaz Semmelweis whose life was ruined because he suggested doctors wash their hands. He saved a LOT of lives but lost his own in the process.

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Karen, I've seen this mentioned before but have never seen backup. This morning I started to look for the research. After a few hours and learning much about infant mortality in general, I couldn't find anything to even imply Japan quit requiring/offering the MMR. Do you happen to know more?

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Here is just one piece of info on the subject. Take a real close look at the table that show the US (which vaccinates more than any other country) is at the top of the chart while Japan is at the bottom of the chart for HPE B at birth and Infant mortality. Japan does not mandate vaccines and they stopped using the MMR in 1993-1994 time frame. https://www.globalresearch.ca/japan-no-vaccine-mandates-no-mmr-vaccine-healthier-children/5675901

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Thank you so much. This one source contains links to several others which are also quite helpful!

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Just before reading your comment and question, I had finished watching a video from 2011 that gives a good historical overview of vaccines and their safety and efficacy. It is quite eye opening .

Filmed in Langely BC, the presenter is Raymond Obosawin PhD in a series called "Amazing Discoveries" episode 371. A book by Susanne Humphreis that was just updated is worth a read as well - " Dissolving Illusions" . There is lots out there now.

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Thank you for this. Looking for the episode (not coming up on YouTube) how did you access the show?

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I just spent the last hour and a half watching this presentation. I wonder if people had seen this before covid if they would have taken those shots. He is very informative and I have shared this link with others.. Thank you for posting.

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Thank you!

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This is excellent link! This

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As soon as I type in Amazing Discoveries 371 - it pops up.

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Thank you!

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Vaccine Choice Canada and Children's Health Defense in the US have a wealth of resources on vaccination.

A primary concern is no large scale safety trials have been conducted against true placebos. Most have used another vaccine for the control group. But anecdotal evidence from parents with both vaxxed and unvaxxed children, as well as open minded physicians, suggests unvaxxed children are healthier. Fewer ear infections, colds, etc.

Another concern is that many if not most vaccines contain mercury (thimersol) and aluminum as adjuvants, which are linked to autism, alzheimer's and other neurological disorders.

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Completely ineffective (studies show that the more shots you have received the more likely you are to contract covid) and more dangerous (shown by VAERS in US and "yellow card" in Europe) than all previous vaccines combined (with efforts made to discourage reporting) means that the health system in general and public health in particular have totally lost credibility. No wonder governments have been so hard at work censoring information.

Incredibly, these things are STILL being pushed

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In my circle, the people who have had covid twice or three times ALL had multiple injections. (If we can even trust the dodgy test results).

I went to care for a couple who were ill. They know I refused the shots. I don’t know if they even asked themselves: How come she’s fine & we’re ill after our repeated « vaccines »? 

A lot of people seem to have lost their capacity to think!

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See German doctor Michael Niehls on Tucker Carlson describe in great detail how constant exposure to fear-based messages

leads to a strong neurotoxic effect in the brain. In a recent interview with Tucker

Carlson, Dr. Nehl described how the spike protein, when it enters the brain, stimulates

the production of an entire cascade of pro-inflammatory cytokines that interfere with the

hippocampus and shut down our ability to think. And, in his words, “And it gets worse.”


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Ian, I’ve listened to Nehls.

I don’t know exactly what‘s happened to people.

I have a friend who has listened carefully to everything I’ve told him since 2020. I’ve listened to him too. He seemed to have accepted a lot of info about all the lies. He regrets taking 3 shots. He believes the pathogen was engineered in a lab. He knows what the OMS are up to. Then this morning he called me in a panic & said: “Turn on the radio. They’re talking about a lethal bird flu.”


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There are a couple of other books worth reading- Turtles All the Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth, and The Vaccine Crime Report. p.s. trust your intuition.

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Go to The Children's Health Defense website. They have a library of research on childhood vaccines, and other vaccines.

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Get the book " Turtles all the way down" and you will never get another vaccine again.

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Read Dissolving Illusions, there's an updated 10 years anniversary edition just out. Turtles All the Way Down is another. Del Bigtree Informed Consent Action Network The Highwire set out to check safety and efficacy. Still trying to find one that's safe....

Australian Vaccine Network Meryl Dorey been on the case for decades and does phenomenal work. There's a USA equivalent too. Children's Health Defence of course and RFK jnrs Incredible work . Dr Isaac Golden homeopath in Australia homeoprophylaxis use instead. He did incredible work in 2020 working with impoverished countries who couldn't afford the jabs. Find him on YouTube, his books and college. That's a start for you - basically not safe, not effective for anyone and look out for your pets too. Sasha Latypova is digging into farm animals Vax (not good, mRNA stabs coming in, already used in farmed fish, planned for prawns etc too) 🙏 Apologies to Dr B who is a talented vaccinologist and this is his SS.

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Read “Dissolving Illusions”. It’s an eye-opener

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get ready for feature film May 24 Protocol7 exposing the MMR vaccine by Merck


alert to upcoming movie we'd like I think: Protocol7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-NyF2d_hVY

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Read the book “Turtles All The Way Down” authors are anonymous. No placebo-controlled studies, none. So no, they are not, they can’t be, b/c safety has actually never been tested. 🤡🤡🤡

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Please read Turtles all the way down. I wish I read this before my children were born. I would have NEVER had them vaccinated, nor would I have drank this toxic cool-aid

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Dr. Denis Rancourt, Ottawa: based on all-cause mortality there was no pandemic; covid-19 vaccination caused excess mortality. https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay

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Concur. Numbers clearly show that there was no pandemic. Protocols killed people predictably (and compare the ramming through of Remdisovoir to approval with 30-50;years experience of HCQ and IVM totally disregarded) and 80-90 false positive rates of PCR tests means it's the impossible to claim this entire pandemic was NOT scripted and planned

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Covid 19 was a warm up. Smaller nations missed out on covid profit so they want global North to invest in developing nations to build genetic sequencing labs, testing and manufacturing plants to make mRNA jabs b/c they think more biological/nanotech weapons are what the world needs. The next Gold Rush is in play to find pathogens with pandemic profit potential, scare people into more jabs and unending boosters, to profit countries participating in this business sector. https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/biden-goes-directly-to-african-nations

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Is that what they plan to use "climate change reparations" monies for that they're trying to get???

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Likely yes + social engineering [no one left behind/eradicate poverty/combat pandemics] + leverage youth + international taxation +++ https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-wef-global-tax/

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Do you have any references for the PCR producing false positives? I need info regarding a court case I’m involved in. Anything would help. Thanks.

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Below this paragraph is a link to a PDF file containing details on what the test is made of, how it works, how to use it, etc. The file has FDA and CDC on it, so just keep that in mind. I don't know how much of this I personally reviewed, but my notes say on page 43, second paragraph you'll find, "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCOV were available for CDC…” (they used “characterized Stock”).


This link connects to CDC's Communication center. I believe there's more info about PCR if you search a bit.


Inventor of the PCR was Dr. Kerry Mullis. I collected info early on before I began recording citations, so I don't think I have links for him to can't verify any of this. But I do have my notes below which may help you find the verification you need. I'll keep looking to see if I have more.

(My Notes): Dr. Kary Mullis received a Noble Prize for inventing the PCR test. Look for his podcasts and interviews on the internet. He stated that the WHO and the CDC were intentionally misusing the test in order to make it appear that there was a pandemic, when in fact there was none. Only a bad flu like disease. With an infection fatality rate a little higher than the seasonal flu.

Kary Mullis died in August of 2019, some 4 months before SARS-CoV-2 was identified as the cause of COVID-19 and 7 months before a pandemic was declared. (End Notes)

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Thank you

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Dr. Michael Nehl describes in great detail how constant exposure to fear-based messages

leads to a strong neurotoxic effect in the brain. In a recent interview with Tucker

Carlson, Dr. Nehl described how the spike protein, when it enters the brain, stimulates

the production of an entire cascade of pro-inflammatory cytokines that interfere with the

hippocampus and shut down our ability to think. And, in his words, “And it gets worse.”



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I agree with Denis Rancourt and team.

I reached the same conclusions and published them before I ever heard of Rancourt et al.

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This was on a FB site about 2 years ago which I copied & saved in notes. THERE IS NO VIRUS Focus on the vaccine, the virus is a cover story. This is because the Sars-Cov-2 virus does not exist. It has never existed. Influenza A and B have been rebranded and remarketed as COVID-19. It is as simple as that. Sars-Cov-2 is a fairy-tale. The gain of function research for this alleged virus conducted at the Wuhan Lab in China and under the direction and management of Dr.Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and other Satanic Globalists is actually a cover-story for even more heinous crimes. Dr. Robert Redfield former CDC Director, Dr.Richard Fleming, Senator Rand Paul, The Highwire's Del Bigtree, Dr.Judy Mikovits, Prof.Peter Gotzsche, Dr.Sherri Tenpenny, Alex Jones, Mike Adams and many others are all not telling the truth to you. Some are doing this knowingly others out of ignorance and naivete. The Satanic Globalists want you to think that the Sar-Cov-2 virus exists because the truth is much worse. They also want America to start a war with China but that is a story for another time. Getting back to this fairy tale, there has never been any research on Sars-Cov-2 because the virus does not exist. It has never been isolated nor purified nor has it ever satisfied Koch's postulates (see Dr.Tom Cowan's work on the Contagion Myth et al). In addition, consider how deadly COVID-19 really is. CDC' s own data shows that the COVID-19 infection to fatality risk (IFR) for those under 50 years of age is less than 0.03% (3 out of 10,000). For those under 20 years of age the risk is 0.002% (2 out of 100,000). Meanwhile children are virtually immune from COVID-19. Obviously there has been no productive "gain of function" research on this very benign and relatively harmless fake virus. Yeah, it's so deadly that a 60 year old over-the-counter medication called Hydroxychloroquine easily combats COVID-19 (and now the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin). If the Satanists at the Wuhan Lab really were working on making the Sars-Cov-2 virus more deadly it is clear from the above data they have failed. All of the research at the Wuhan Lab was instead focused on the COVID-19 vaccine. The virus is a cover story for the creation of an undetectably deadly vaccine. This gain of function research at Wuhan went into making the vaccine a biologically poisonous and toxic weapon of mass murder and an instrument of genocide. Where is the proof of this ? The proof is hiding in plain sight. Take the symptoms and ailments of those allegedly afflicted with the COVID-19 Sars-Cov-2 virus and then compare that to the symptoms and ailments of those poisoned with the COVID-19 vaccine. They are completely different. (1)---Sars-Cov-2 symptoms/ailments: coughing, slight fever, sniffles flu-like symptoms. (2)---COVID-19 VACCINE symptoms/ailments: stroke, brain aneurysm, blood clots, heart attacks, paralysis, blindness, mass skin rashes, anaphylaxis, coma, death. In the first group, the former, we have flu like symptoms. In the second group, the latter, from the vaccine, we see neuro-degenerative symptoms like muscle spasms and paralysis to name only a few. Why the huge difference if the virus and vaccine both allegedly contain the SPIKE PROTEIN ? Because we have been lied too. There is NO spike protein on the Sar-Cov-2 virus. Because the virus Sars-Cov-2 does not exist. The SPIKE PROTEIN can be designed and manufactured without the need for any fake virus (on a computer). Snake and spider venom is replete with spike proteins. That is what is in the vaccine. No virus needed instead we have Snake venom! The fake virus was created out of thin air for the vaccine. Not the other way around. They had the vaccine already on hand and then invented a reason to use it. Thus the invented concocted reason for the vaccine becomes the non-existent fairy-tale Sars-Cov-2 virus. No gain of function research on the virus. No laboratory man-made virus. No virus at all. The only biological weapon and instrument of genocide is the VACCINE. Please remember that.

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Fantastic Comment! Share it widely as it is well written and concisely researched. Nice to see the puzzle pieces put together.

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Very well said!

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I wanted to add 1 more thing: I watched a Russell Brand video some time ago where Russell interviewed Dr. Lisa Feldman Barret, a very respected scientist and doctor. In the interview,, Dr. Barret made the statement that virus's etc isn't what makes us sick: rather it is stress of some sort that weakens our immune systems and makes us vulnerable to various pathogens. Here's the video:


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I've only read about 1/2 of your comment but I have to disagree. Sars-Cov2 is a virus and yes, it does exist. Dr. Trozzi had a great video some time ago explaining this and no, I absolutely do not suspect him of lying or of being uninformed.

My belief is that Sars-Cov2 was a disease at the severity level of a bad flu. It's not a flu however (I've heard people say that who got sick with covid). It was circulating in at least 2019; that was proven both in medical literature and in financial markets (the repo crisis in September of 2019).

Maybe sars-cov2 was a bioweapon. I don't think we'll ever really know. If it was meant to be that, it was a dud. Most people didn't get very sick and it sure didn't kill that many people with no disrespect intended to those who did succumb. I believe it was exploited and used to enable a huge money transfer and as a means to usher in authoritarianism: 'the great reset'. There is a looming global financial crisis and it's very much related to the covid episode and to the climate change narrative.

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Dr. Michael Nehl describes in great detail how constant exposure to fear-based messages

leads to a strong neurotoxic effect in the brain. In a recent interview with Tucker

Carlson, Dr. Nehl described how the spike protein, when it enters the brain, stimulates

the production of an entire cascade of pro-inflammatory cytokines that interfere with the

hippocampus and shut down our ability to think. And, in his words, “And it gets worse.”



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I think you miss the point. First, create the bioweapon, then create a reason for people to demand they be injected with it. The "vaccine" preceded the "virus".

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Yes, that's possible.

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I would say, Dr. Bridle, with your qualifications, any comment from me, a failed musician who thinks too much, would be... superfluous, to say the least.

Suffice it to say, I will NEVER take a vaccination of any description, ever again.

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Parents trusted doctors and governments, who recklessly/knowingly killed their kids.

Knowingly??? Yes, because I and others warned them repeatedly, in writing.

I correctly called the Covid-19 lockdown scam in Feb2020, within the first month of its public existence, and published on 21Mar2020:


Protect people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.”

Six months later world experts published the same recommendations in their Great Barrington Declaration.

On 8Jan2021 I wrote all Alberta MLA's, other government representatives and media and strongly advised:

”The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population - those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.”


THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull

Book 1 of the “Cull Trilogy”


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I'm trying to image Trudeau, as he criss crosses our country extolling our tax dollars he's spending, announcing 36 million dollars for covid vaccine injury claims. If we had a true media a reporter would bring this up.

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This "vaccine" (it's NOT a vaccine) is the worst industrial disaster in history. The bolus theory posits that is unintentional injection of "vaccine" into veins (it doesn't have to hit the vein directly) means that about 5 percent of these shots are dangerous. For some reason the WHO says you don't need to aspirate in its guidelines. Many shots are injected too fast.

Many have been disabled, many more have been injured. VAERS undercounting (VAERS only records an estimated 1-10 percent of actual injuries) along with a STEADY DISAPPEARANCE of records each month means many have died and been injured for a "vaccine" that doesn't even work. Since the antibodies are in the blood, not the mucosa, it could never have worked anyway. The use of the spike as the target antigen, by all mRNA (that's MODIFIED RNA, NOT messenger RNA) means that transfected cells produce spike perhaps until they finally die.

The people who think that all this could have been a mistake will be few and far between for good reason. My critiques are not even a sample of the number of mistakes made.

This disaster will haunt mankind for many years. I didn't even mention the plasmid contamination that studies are suggesting are permanent random changes to the human genome. Yes, they are reverse transcribed into DNA

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How does where you inject it have anything to do with how dangerous it is, as it travels EVERYWHERE in the body? That has now been proven by multiple studies, by multiple researchers and others. I think this "bolus theory" is a distraction, at best, and a potential way for Pharma & gubmints to question US and thus keep us from getting justice...

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Great Comment! Share it widely!

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Well, 90+ percent of the populace has been injected with the genetic code of a jacked up bioweapon spike protein that goes everywhere in a person's body and instructs their own brain cells, heart cells, etc., etc., etc. to be bioweapon factories.

Instead of using our hard earned tax dollars to pay for this idiocy how about we confiscate everything from the Trudeau Foundation, the pharma companies, Bill Gates, etc. to pay for it? And throw them in prison for life while we're at it.

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I suggest the money won't go to the actual injured people. It will get soaked up in administration and employing contractors to do something that they will vaguely contribute to the scheme 😒

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Probably correct. I knew a woman who was a victim of the hepatitis C tainted blood problems, i.e., back in the day, she contracted hepatitis C from a blood transfusion. Her life was ruined and she died around age 45. She was part of the lawsuit seeking compensation and was represented by a lawyer. As part of the settlement she received $10,000.00 of which her lawyer got $6,000.00 and she was left with $4,000.00.

When I see/hear/read talk of compensation to victims of the covid shots, I think back to the manner in which thalidomide victims were treated, i.e., callously, brutally...badly.

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Biden White House Signs on to New Gates-Funded Pandemic Surveillance Plan

The Biden White House on Tuesday announced a new 50-country partnership to “combat future pandemics” and a new Pandemic Fund, financed so far by 27 contributors, including some associated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, journalist Kim Iversen reported.


Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

As I read to stay informed,

I say people are obsessed with bringing harm to humanity. I am very thankful for these truth tellers.

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💯👍I'm sorry I agree with those here who think it's not enough, they haven't allocated anywhere near enough.😐 I would take that number and multiply it by 41 BTJMO.

At the current rate of injuries, assuming nothing happens to change from the current trajectory, they will be lucky to get away with 10B. Which Im pretty sure wont be found in the budget.

Every country around the world is going to need increased budget for vaccine damages, if only for the reason that more people will be justifiably applying for compensation.

However, the catch22 is, that by the victims applying for compensation, its actually going to trigger the domino effect of collapsing the system that would be paying compensation. Basically, governments will need permissions to print more cash (a lot more cash), but in doing so, will devalue their own economies and currency. Which leads to the only option available of UBI, debt forgiveness and all actual wealth (property/resources) being pooled into government to prop up the illusion of a functioning "as normal" society. Sounds grand to some, except for the actual price- which they have already advised you of- you will own nothing, and have complete (as in biometrically complete) surveillance, and you WILL be happy, or dead, and they really have no preference either way, as they still make bank!😉🤐😒

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Remember at the beginning of the vax roll out? Canada and England both began these new vax injury payout programs, KNOWING there would be injuries!!!

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Actually, Big Pharma had to tell the Canadian govt to set up a vax injury payout program -- the govt either didn't think of it, or didn't want it.

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it won't be nearly enough!

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Canadian Taxpayers are funding the jabbing of sick people every second day for months to years with dead Bacteria to deliberately create a state of permanent Inflammation.


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