My babysitter’s son had a huge reaction to a vaccine. His pediatrician wanted him to have half a dose for the second shot but that doc was out of the office during the well baby visit: the other doc mocked the mother’s concern. She lived ten minutes from the doctor’s office. Her precious little boy had stopped breathing by the time she arrived at home and by the time the paramedics took him away his arm was over twice its normal size.
He was gone.
She requested a blood sample the next day: denied. She was not allowed to see the body.
She complained. The hospital told her that if she mentioned it again they would charge HER with Murder I—HER CPR had killed him.
Mind blowing.
That was in the ‘80’s.
The story of her precious son sure changed me. I became much more independent of the thinking of doctors and that actually did save my daughter at least twice.
I sure hope someone told that doctor what he did to the precious boy, and that he learned to never discount a parent's concern ever again. I hate this happened near my home, and I pray he never created poison during his research days.
I actually got to talk to him. Sad thing, tragic thing: I suspect he was an unusually kind person and an excellent doctor who believed the narrative about benign vaccines.
He went to John’s Hopkins after he made that mistake and never saw patients while there. However, when my daughter was ill he kindly spoke with me at length (2 hours+) helping me to think through her medical issues. And then I strongly suspect that he called the doctor he recommended because the appointment moved from six months out to the following Monday!
After I spoke with him I connected the story of my babysitter’s son with the kind John’s Hopkins doctor.
It made me more compassionate towards doctors who honestly have not suspected that the vaccines are toxic.
Judy, thank you very much for sharing more. Your own story helped me shift my attitude somewhat. I recently saw an interview with Dr. Pierre Kory, who now only treats COVID vaccine injuries. He said doctors assume if the FDA approved it, it is completely safe. Of course, that's the way it should be.
Me too. I remember witnessing a case where a couple's baby was left for just a few minutes asleep, and next thing it was dead. There has never been an answer. But now that it's happening to adults SAD, same thing, they don't know why, which makes me extremely suspicious that many more atrocities have and are still happening with vaccines in general. I think vaccine hesitancy should be encouraged. It's time to get to the bottom of all of this. I will never take a vaccine of any type. Apart from childhood vaccines, over which I obviously had no say, I've never had any vaccines . I am in the older age bracket and healthy!
YES. Healthy babies do not just die for no reason. Japan has already proven the MMR causes SIDS and stopped using it many years ago. Their SIDS rate today is the lowest in the world.
to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine. Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”
Whenever I come across something like this, I think of Dr Ignaz Semmelweis whose life was ruined because he suggested doctors wash their hands. He saved a LOT of lives but lost his own in the process.
Karen, I've seen this mentioned before but have never seen backup. This morning I started to look for the research. After a few hours and learning much about infant mortality in general, I couldn't find anything to even imply Japan quit requiring/offering the MMR. Do you happen to know more?
Here is just one piece of info on the subject. Take a real close look at the table that show the US (which vaccinates more than any other country) is at the top of the chart while Japan is at the bottom of the chart for HPE B at birth and Infant mortality. Japan does not mandate vaccines and they stopped using the MMR in 1993-1994 time frame.
I have two cousins whom I never really knew; both died suddenly when they were babies.
Doctors dubbed their deaths as Sudden Infant Death.
Now I wonder: Were they early vaccine deaths?
My babysitter’s son had a huge reaction to a vaccine. His pediatrician wanted him to have half a dose for the second shot but that doc was out of the office during the well baby visit: the other doc mocked the mother’s concern. She lived ten minutes from the doctor’s office. Her precious little boy had stopped breathing by the time she arrived at home and by the time the paramedics took him away his arm was over twice its normal size.
He was gone.
She requested a blood sample the next day: denied. She was not allowed to see the body.
She complained. The hospital told her that if she mentioned it again they would charge HER with Murder I—HER CPR had killed him.
Mind blowing.
That was in the ‘80’s.
The story of her precious son sure changed me. I became much more independent of the thinking of doctors and that actually did save my daughter at least twice.
We are the hedge of protection.
Makes my blood boil and my heart is broken by the EVIL Sadistic scumbags that I consider to be a Disgrace to the human race!
The PLANDEMIC is the biggest crime against humanity in history! I hope the criminals rot in HEL for eternity!
What country did this happen in?
In the US in North Carolina.
At least the pediatrician who ordered the shot quit working with children and went into research.
I sure hope someone told that doctor what he did to the precious boy, and that he learned to never discount a parent's concern ever again. I hate this happened near my home, and I pray he never created poison during his research days.
I actually got to talk to him. Sad thing, tragic thing: I suspect he was an unusually kind person and an excellent doctor who believed the narrative about benign vaccines.
He went to John’s Hopkins after he made that mistake and never saw patients while there. However, when my daughter was ill he kindly spoke with me at length (2 hours+) helping me to think through her medical issues. And then I strongly suspect that he called the doctor he recommended because the appointment moved from six months out to the following Monday!
After I spoke with him I connected the story of my babysitter’s son with the kind John’s Hopkins doctor.
It made me more compassionate towards doctors who honestly have not suspected that the vaccines are toxic.
Judy, thank you very much for sharing more. Your own story helped me shift my attitude somewhat. I recently saw an interview with Dr. Pierre Kory, who now only treats COVID vaccine injuries. He said doctors assume if the FDA approved it, it is completely safe. Of course, that's the way it should be.
Whether it be ignorance or malice,
The results are the same.
Black Beauty
True that. The child is gone. Incalculable loss.
And feeling like doctors mean well but make mistakes feels disparate from...well...from much of what we now feel.
Me too. I remember witnessing a case where a couple's baby was left for just a few minutes asleep, and next thing it was dead. There has never been an answer. But now that it's happening to adults SAD, same thing, they don't know why, which makes me extremely suspicious that many more atrocities have and are still happening with vaccines in general. I think vaccine hesitancy should be encouraged. It's time to get to the bottom of all of this. I will never take a vaccine of any type. Apart from childhood vaccines, over which I obviously had no say, I've never had any vaccines . I am in the older age bracket and healthy!
Wait... are we now saying it isn't safe to inject heavy metals into babies?
Imagine that!
I woke up to SIDS when I first heard about SADS. A light bulb went off in my head.
I agree.
YES. Healthy babies do not just die for no reason. Japan has already proven the MMR causes SIDS and stopped using it many years ago. Their SIDS rate today is the lowest in the world.
Official trailer for Protocol7, movie in theatres May 24 on MMR coverup
to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine. Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”
alert to upcoming movie we'd like I think: Protocol7
Thanks for the link to Dr. Andrew Wakefield. After doing a search, I found this great article by Dr. Tess Lowrie.
Whenever I come across something like this, I think of Dr Ignaz Semmelweis whose life was ruined because he suggested doctors wash their hands. He saved a LOT of lives but lost his own in the process.
Karen, I've seen this mentioned before but have never seen backup. This morning I started to look for the research. After a few hours and learning much about infant mortality in general, I couldn't find anything to even imply Japan quit requiring/offering the MMR. Do you happen to know more?
Here is just one piece of info on the subject. Take a real close look at the table that show the US (which vaccinates more than any other country) is at the top of the chart while Japan is at the bottom of the chart for HPE B at birth and Infant mortality. Japan does not mandate vaccines and they stopped using the MMR in 1993-1994 time frame.
Thank you so much. This one source contains links to several others which are also quite helpful!