I'm not expecting this, at least not for some time. I still know too many people who I strongly suspect are injured from these shots but who do not attribute their troubles to the shots. For example, I know quite a few people who had arthritis. Their symptoms went from tolerable to 'I can barely walk' soon after receiving the shots. They don't put 2 and 2 together and most of them never will. In addition, that problem, I'm guessing would be hard to prove. It is on the list of Pfizer side effects.
I hear you.. Boy... do I hear you... Just in the last week I listened to these two presentations, courtesy of Dr. William Makis; a couple of armchair presentations as to the nature of the Covid Fraud from David Martin:
And this presentation from Jeff Rense; seems ALS (Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis) cases are suddenly going through the roof; striking people in their 20s and 30s...
I have received that phone call from a brother and my youngest daughter. Both have heart problems now and were perfectly healthy. Right after my daughter got the jab she had 2 miscarriages and her whole family is non-stop sick but she won't listen to anything about side effects or how to help herself. My brother has POTS, he was a world class athlete, and he said he would take every shot they would offer. Now he got up fast, his heart started racing and he fell and cracked his ribs. Must be a coincidence. Many more friends are the same way with a variety of illnesses from tinnitus to nerve damage. Only one friend admits to regretting the jab.
In the 4 years of the Scamdemic, not one person at my job ever called in sick with "Covid". In 4 years, I was aware of not one credible case of... "Covid"... and in those 4 years, not one single death was I aware of.
Since the release of The Lethal Injections? I'm aware of 5 deaths – counting my ex-landlady's cat – had to put the poor creature down, an inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs; she herself has had 4 doses of it.. and 25 permanent, debilitating injuries, to do with strokes and blood-clotting issues...
I know of 3 people who were sick with covid and died. My choice of words is on purpose. One of those people was outside of Canada, 2 of them did not take the shots and the 3rd probably did. Of the 2, the outside of Canada death was a 55ish year old man who was probably diabetic with heart problems. The other was an early 70's woman also probably diabetic. I have no idea what treatments the 3 people received and strongly suspect that with proper treatment, their deaths might have been avoided so I can't say they died 'of covid'. They may have died of their treatment.
Actually and please excuse me Vanda: No you didn't. What you saw, if anything, was good old Influenza A... and Influenza B...
Covid was and is a complete scam and a fraud, from beginning to end. I know this for among other reasons, Patrick King in the Province of Alberta was arrested for non-compliance.. He subpoenaed that lying bitch, Chief Medical Health Officer Deena Hinshaw for proof of the existence of the so-called Sars-Cov-2 virus. She didn't appear, but the lawyers for the Government admitted they had no samples of the virus, nor any proof of its existence... nor does any other government or agency, including the CDC and the FDA. Should have ended this fraud world wide, right then and there, but 2 weeks later Hinshaw and Premier Kenney were right back to their shit-eating lies.. They and all our political leaders involved in this should publicly hang for what they've done.
Take the hour out of your life to watch these presentations by David Martin. The degree of criminality he describes, worldwide, is simply incomprehensible.
I also know of a few people, hard to say how many, that died of the shots: one was a man in his 90's who had massive problems with blood clots after the shots. Another was a man who was healthy until his 'sudden death' at age 33.
With GMO crops, fungi, AI/human integration and millions of severely autistic, vaccine damaged adults and children living in warehouses, the rabid mobs you mentioned might not be who you think.
I am so looking forward to the rabid mobs prowling the streets, howling for the blood of the monsters who did this to them... 🤔
I'm not expecting this, at least not for some time. I still know too many people who I strongly suspect are injured from these shots but who do not attribute their troubles to the shots. For example, I know quite a few people who had arthritis. Their symptoms went from tolerable to 'I can barely walk' soon after receiving the shots. They don't put 2 and 2 together and most of them never will. In addition, that problem, I'm guessing would be hard to prove. It is on the list of Pfizer side effects.
I hear you.. Boy... do I hear you... Just in the last week I listened to these two presentations, courtesy of Dr. William Makis; a couple of armchair presentations as to the nature of the Covid Fraud from David Martin:
💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-the-great-setup-drdavid-martin?r=o7w81
💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-the-great-setup-drdavid-martin-5d3?
And this presentation from Jeff Rense; seems ALS (Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis) cases are suddenly going through the roof; striking people in their 20s and 30s...
💣 https://ln5.sync.com/dl/506ee7cf0/nue9zbza-rii5mxyj-keff5u2q-vcmvjtzc/view/default/18500383890010
And... come to think of it, further to Dr. Bridle's article, this piece via "Lioness of Judah": 💣 "Massive Cancer Deaths Study Vindicates My Warnings Over COVID Boosters" - https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/profangus-dalgleish-massive-cancer
"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."
– George Carlin
What a word you used. Gutted. Now I have a word that finally describes my condition.
I have received that phone call from a brother and my youngest daughter. Both have heart problems now and were perfectly healthy. Right after my daughter got the jab she had 2 miscarriages and her whole family is non-stop sick but she won't listen to anything about side effects or how to help herself. My brother has POTS, he was a world class athlete, and he said he would take every shot they would offer. Now he got up fast, his heart started racing and he fell and cracked his ribs. Must be a coincidence. Many more friends are the same way with a variety of illnesses from tinnitus to nerve damage. Only one friend admits to regretting the jab.
In the 4 years of the Scamdemic, not one person at my job ever called in sick with "Covid". In 4 years, I was aware of not one credible case of... "Covid"... and in those 4 years, not one single death was I aware of.
Since the release of The Lethal Injections? I'm aware of 5 deaths – counting my ex-landlady's cat – had to put the poor creature down, an inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs; she herself has had 4 doses of it.. and 25 permanent, debilitating injuries, to do with strokes and blood-clotting issues...
I know of 3 people who were sick with covid and died. My choice of words is on purpose. One of those people was outside of Canada, 2 of them did not take the shots and the 3rd probably did. Of the 2, the outside of Canada death was a 55ish year old man who was probably diabetic with heart problems. The other was an early 70's woman also probably diabetic. I have no idea what treatments the 3 people received and strongly suspect that with proper treatment, their deaths might have been avoided so I can't say they died 'of covid'. They may have died of their treatment.
Actually and please excuse me Vanda: No you didn't. What you saw, if anything, was good old Influenza A... and Influenza B...
Covid was and is a complete scam and a fraud, from beginning to end. I know this for among other reasons, Patrick King in the Province of Alberta was arrested for non-compliance.. He subpoenaed that lying bitch, Chief Medical Health Officer Deena Hinshaw for proof of the existence of the so-called Sars-Cov-2 virus. She didn't appear, but the lawyers for the Government admitted they had no samples of the virus, nor any proof of its existence... nor does any other government or agency, including the CDC and the FDA. Should have ended this fraud world wide, right then and there, but 2 weeks later Hinshaw and Premier Kenney were right back to their shit-eating lies.. They and all our political leaders involved in this should publicly hang for what they've done.
Take the hour out of your life to watch these presentations by David Martin. The degree of criminality he describes, worldwide, is simply incomprehensible.
💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/mrna-injury-stories-state-of-nevada
💣 https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-canadian-independent-17-year
I also know of a few people, hard to say how many, that died of the shots: one was a man in his 90's who had massive problems with blood clots after the shots. Another was a man who was healthy until his 'sudden death' at age 33.
With GMO crops, fungi, AI/human integration and millions of severely autistic, vaccine damaged adults and children living in warehouses, the rabid mobs you mentioned might not be who you think.