It's only been in the last few days I suddenly grasped just what sort of ethical / moral abomination the very notion of "Vaccine Mandates" truly are. Stop and think for 20 consecutive seconds about the ideas of:

1. Mandated lobotomies for all persons diagnosed with "depression."

2. Mandated administration of Thalidomide for all pregant women.

"Ridiculous", "outrageous", you say? Historically in both cases we came pretty close!

Thus so is the coercive administration of an untested, unapproved, unlicenced, irreparable injection intended to reprogram the human body's biology at the chromosomal level – after a deliberate months long terror campaign over an illness which – if it ever existed and I very much have my doubts – had a demonstrated mortality rate of 0.007%: You're in more danger of death driving to work every day! Under the original terms of The Nuremberg Code everyone responsible for the catastrophic scam of "Covid-19" merits the death penalty; as far I'm concerned their executions must be public, and televised: Nothing less is adequate.

No one knows what the long-term consequences for humanity of this orchestrated insanity will be. But they can't possibly be anything good.

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The mask will likely increase the chances of respiratory illness and impeding breathing.

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This thing about no one here following the previously established pandemice plan is something I wrote about last June. This should be common knowledge and it's easy to find this info, yet so few people seem to be aware of it. The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan basically laid out everything we needed to do during covid and almost all of it was kicked to the curb, even though our very own Theresa Tam was one of the authors.

Anyway, it sure is nice to hear someone who actually understands this stuff talking about it as well.


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Campus control was the goal. Not health

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This whole multi-year disaster has been a violation of our right to live free from government intrusion.

Thank you for speaking out so early during this coup. You've been through a lot. You and the others who followed have set an important example. I am a former U of G student, so your position meant a lot to me, personally, then and continues to do so.

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I do not know what to say to the immediate family members of 3 cousins that died of TURBO CANCERS from October to December in 2023. What about the family of my friend who died in hospital in September of 2021, whom they advised to be put into a coma and on a vent to let her lungs rest and was dead within 10 day? What about the family of my friend who had just been advised she had ALS, took a booster shot TO KEEP HER SAFE, then immediately lost the use of her legs? She was dead within 8 months . My neighbour's husband that is in a rapid spiral of dementia that came on suddenly about 2 years ago? Sadly, I could go on and on. I am sickened by what I see. I have no proof, only my opinion. What do I say to them all?

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The imposition of Masking must have provided endless entertainment for those in power.

Just how far can we push these maggots????

There is no point in having "Power", unless it allows for the abuse of 'Subjects'!

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Thank you Dr Bridle. Your courage and knowledge help others greatly.

Something no one talks about, at least directly, is how malicious, evil, ineffective, inefficient and arrogant our bureaucracy’s have become.

These public parasites, of whom we all know many, make decisions but suffer no consequences. How can one trust a decision maker when that decision maker bares no experiential or consequential markers?

Peoples perception is based on an assumption of trust. That assumption is the achilles heal of democracy. And it has culminated in the self harm through these jabs.

Trust power and suffer fear and the requisite consequences.

Seek power over oneself and the world becomes love.

We dont need bureau rats or governments. It was and is a lie. Central power is illegitimate.

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“These 🤐 have killed me and I feel it a little more every day. It is for this reason I had the 🤐 batch numbers tattooed on my arm.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CwzlO66smyt/?igsh=MWpsdmFrcndlMDc1dA==

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Canadian post secondary institutions receive a failing grade. They were the very place we sent our bright young people to learn critical thinking. This is e evidence that that no longer exists. Thinking is now done by the state.

Thank you Dr Bridle for your courage. Keep holding strong. Praying for you.

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University of Guelph... 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

FREE Guelph Ethics Degrees - available at the bottom of every Corn Flakes box!

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‡About masks

Virus scholars are not infected by a single virus, although it varies depending on the scholar.

It is said to be 10,000 to 1 million grains.

Let's compare the diameter of the particles according to the Mask standard and the material of the test particles.

Diameter of Japanese women's hair ≒ 80μ = 80000nm

Diameter of Western women's hair ≒ 50μ = 50000nm

To this extent, even a single piece is visible and tactile.

1μ = 1 millionth of a meter = 0.001mm = 1000nm


Pollen ≒ 30~40μ = 30000nm At this point, you can see the cedar pollen scattering, but you can't see it one by one.

Fine dust ≒ 4μ = 4000nm Even if there is a large amount in the air, it will only be a very thin mist

③BFE standard of mask

Bacteria ≒ 1μ ~ 3μ = 1000 ~ 3000nm It can be seen with an optical microscope.

Mask standards that can supplement this are called B(acteria)F(iltration)E(fficiency) standards.

Bacteria are approximately 10 times larger than viruses, and the test particles were [3μ] Staphylococcus.

Therefore, the BFE standard ~% is completely invalid for Corona.

④Mask PFE standard

PM2.5≡2.5μ=2500nm This is called the P(article)FE standard.

Most of the masks that are easily available on the market are of this level.

Standard test particles are ambiguous as polystyrene or latex [0.1μ] particles.

At first glance, this standard seems to be able to capture Corona, but

The test particles, polystyrene and latex, are charged with static electricity and are easily captured.

For example, when you break polystyrene foam, it tends to become electrostatically charged to the point where small pieces stick to your hands or walls.

It is necessary to discount Sarscov2 considerably (it hardly sticks due to static electricity).

It was later determined that the fiber roughness of non-woven masks is approximately 0.3μ = 300nm even for high-quality products.

With this, Sarscov2 with a diameter of 100 nm can hardly be captured!

In short, it's like trying to prevent mosquitoes from entering by attaching farm wire mesh to your windows.

A mask cut from a single piece of urethane is far inferior to the PFE standard.

⑤Mask VFE standard

Virus general ≒ 50nm to special giant about 300nm, which can be supplemented, is called the V(irus)FE standard.

However, the test particles were [1.7μ = 1700nm], which is large virus.

Therefore, VFE standard ~% cannot prevent Corona virus.

⑥ Mask N95 standard

SARS-Cov2≒0.1μ=100nm At this small size, it can only be seen using an electron microscope.

The human visible wavelength is 700nm to 380nm = 0.38μ.

Dimensions of Spike protein alone = approximately 10 nm in length, width, and height

Therefore, if this substance is floating alone in the air, it cannot be filtered out by any masks available, whether you are an amateur or a doctor!

⑥-1: Japanese standard DS2 mask test particle size,

The test particles can capture 95% of the neutral salt NaCL [60-100nm].

The mean value will be in the middle of the distribution range.

⑥-2: US standard N95 US standard for doctor's mask is NaCL [70-300nm]

It is much looser than DS2, and most of Sarscov2 will pass.

The chemicals used in the fibers can be removed by removing the mask from the airtight bag and leaving it for 10 to 20 minutes.

Chemists say people who wear masks rarely inhale.

However, there may be viruses that come in from around the mask, so

I don't think a mask can provide complete protection, but

I think it can somewhat reduce the amount of virus you inhale.


General gas molecules = 0.3 to 0.4 nm

O2=0.304nm, N2=0.310nm, Xe=0.432nm, SOX, NOX~0.3nm±

PhosgeneCOCL2~0.25nm (Gas Mask is detected by passing through the catalyst, so there is a time limit)

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I have a question about “viral load” in asymptomatic/presymptomatic people. Early on in the “pandemic” numerous docs were saying masks were necessary due to high viral loads coming from asymptomatic individuals. How exactly is this measured? I’ve asked Dr. Pierre Kory this as he was one of the better known docs saying this but got no reply. I’m hoping you can either give me a clear answer or point me to a decent article. Thanks. (I was an early member of the CCCA, we’ve spoken before!)

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I’ve come to the view that masking is essentially a religious ritual, people sliding into psychosis after the death of religion


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When they - cough - screamed with joy '95% effective!' I raised my hand slowly and said, 'But it's 99.8% with the immune system. Which odds are better?' I got blank stares or dead air in response.

Thus, the mRNA's chances of success can be mathematically expressed as:

'I thought the Generals were due!' Krusty.

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