Applaud you for continuing to reach out to Caulfield. Not surprisingly he will continue to reject all requests for speaking at an open public forum. All those who accuse others of disinformation and misinformation are almost always purveyors of lies themselves. Thanks to all the lying about so many issues by academics, billionaires, bureaucrats and politicians many words like Nazi and racist have no discourse meaning anymore.

Take care and enjoy your event in Alberta.

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Caulfield is a bullying coward. I'm pretty sure he'd get demolished by a competent expert in their field . I read his Tweets and see gaping holes of logic, misdirection and empirical evidence. And the arrogance of proclaiming one to be an 'expert on disinformation'.

The problem is deeper than that. The 'system' rewards people like him - and Andre Picard - with Scooby snacks like the Order of Canada. Carlton is now honouring Tam.

The Regime picked a side and this side isn't it. So Caulfield can safely attack and not engage without having to put his money where his mouth is.

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Perhaps a new name, Disorder of Canada.

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The "bullying crowd" are all chickensh*t.

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Glad to see you here Bill . Dr Bridle has been remarkable over these past few years and I have nothing but respect for the way he communicates with those who he has had to deal with regarding his professional opinions on many issues. It is more than "odd" that he continues to be still employed by the university but not "allowed" in his former labs! What a way to say he is still of value ; they know it but continue a charade of what looks like insanity.

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Hey there, Linelle! Dr. Bridle is great; that arrangement they've come up with is bizarre ... but everything in our New Abnormal is bizarre. My article on why nobody will investigate the embalmers' clots is getting a large number of shares and cross-posts.

I'm still trying to get around the "gatekeepers of the news!"


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Is chicken poo a side effect of a bird flu infection? 😁

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Not if you don't take your rooster shot.

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Interesting... I had no idea that he was promoting himself as an expert on misinformation. He's an expert on health policy. Not on medicine, not on biology or genetics or cell biology, but on policy. He's good at policy, but he's stretching here.

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So if he's not an expert on any of those, how can he be trusted to design health policy? And to be frank, I'm not impressed with him at all. If he's in charge of it, we have a problem. He clearly cherry picks data from Sweden to masks to vaccines. He supports authoritarian health including mandates and passports. Kick this guy to the curb.

I wanted to believe people behind public health were wise and non-partisan. But COVID showed it's not only not that way but highly corrupt too. I listened to Swedish health officials during the pandemic and it was like listening to Beethoven. Canadian officials and their steadfast belief in dogmatically unethical solutions sounded more like Taylor Swift played backwards.

I completely ignore Canadian public health.

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As is typically the case with Timmy and the rest of his public health brethren, including U of T Dalla Lana crew who ran the province of Ontario for better part of 18 months, we need to invoke our inner Godfather & ask Cui bono? Timmy, like a died in the wool lefty, frequently walks a tightrope around his funding when folks accuse him of being captured by Pharma. Although he doesn’t receive funding from Pharma directly, he benefits from his position at his school which receives mucho funding from big Pharma. In addition he receives federal money “to combat mis/disinformation. He is a disingenuous shill for big Pharma & the federal liberals who likely is looking for an Order of Canada award like his pal Andre Picard, who essentially wanted the unvaccinated lined up and force vaccinated. Wouldn’t p*ss on either of them if they were on fire

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He's transparently disingenuous to anyone paying attention. I don't see any value in him. He's working very hard to get this conference stopped.

Now the President of the CMA is chiming in using the usual ad hominen attacks.

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I wonder who sponsors his Netflix series, “A User’s Guild to Cheating Death.”


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How many people have died or are suffering crippling illnesses by falling for the gross disinformation passed off as fact by this incompetent man?

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Hes a total POS is what he is. Knee that from the first time I heard him flapping his bought and paid for lips 4 ish yrs ago.

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He is good at blessing the bull shit policies of Trudeau and Tam.

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Yes, he made the switch recently to focus his Science Up (or whatever his nonprofit is called) to now tackle misinformation in Canada. Another scam to suck money from Canadians. He claims that none of the funding is for him. I hardly think he’s working for free. Opportunist!

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God Bless Dr. Byram Bridle…..

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I hope to see a debate as none have been allowed it seems in the past 4 years...that in itself should be a HUGE CLUE to everyone that shady political business has been occurring in the absence of real science where debates have always been encouraged prior to the c19 plandemic....for which the virus has still not been isolated according to various international FOIA requests by Christine Massey.

I applaud you Dr. Bridle and thank you for sharing. I have overwhelming respect for you!

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I think because they would have to explain themselves. They do not want to get caught in their own lies.

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Very well-written and refreshing! I love your analogy that might help wake up those still sleeping:

"A person can’t legitimately claim to be the fastest runner in the world and then refuse to race others that are laying claim to this title. In sports, the team that doesn’t show up, loses by default. "

I'm going to include this in my own efforts to engage our publicly elected hospital board members in public dialogue.

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Two words for "experts" like Timothy Caulfield: charlatans and cowards.

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In my opinion the reason is simple ... aside from being a mewling, trembling coward, it's obvious Caulfield is receiving benefit—in one form or another—from agencies controlled by big pharma. I wouldn't be surprised if those agencies were part of the public regulatory establishment. Will Caulfield come forward to provide satisfactory proof he isn't? Will he open his professional records to show us he is genuine? Hah! He won't. They never do.

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I've been scrolling down reading the comments waiting to see if anyone made this point. He's received a lot of grant money to do this job, so I've known for a long time that he is a paid shill. I've been calling him that repeatedly on social media, that is when I'm not calling him a ventriloquist's dummy who spouts whatever lines he's given. But upon reading the good Dr Bridle's piece, I realise he is also a paid troll. That makes him doubly despicable.

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Im ashamed of my Alma Mater for not allowing you back to your lab. Guelph used to be honourable.

I look forward to reading the emails. These people expose themselves and show clearly they have no morals and are either bought and paid for, or stupid. Or both. Ideally they should keep quiet.

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I believe the best way to bring Mr. Caulfield to a debate is through a defamation civil suite.

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Tough to do. In most jurisdictions if the target is a public figure or if the topic is a matter of public concern, you typically have to show malice. Mere professional disagreement, scorn, or the the like is not enough.

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Imagine if we could get 5,000 people to quietly walk past his residence, in a circle, with signs saying “Debate Dr. Bridle!”

A big part of the problem is the influence “Big Pharma” has over the corporate media. I think we should pressure all media companies to publicly invite all highly-credentialed and/or popular people to engage in fairly-moderated public discussion on the various aspects of the pandemic-response issue - and openly report who is willing to participate and who isn’t.

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There's a common expression in my neck of the woods: "If you're scared, say you're scared."

This Caufield fellow is scared as hell of real debate.

One does not have to be a scientist to reach this conclusion. Let everyone at this event know who was afraid to show up.

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Doctor and independent election candidate in NI has been sentence to 2 weeks in prison for refusing to pay a £255 covid fine. She was a lone voice in the medical world in NI, warning against the jabs.


"Dr McCloskey was fined for breaching Covid regulations while speaking at an anti-lockdown rally in November 2020 in Derry.

She had been suspended from practising as a GP for six months from 24 October 2023 over comments about the Covid-19 vaccination.

She had expressed concerns in a social media video about young people taking Covid jabs, in August 2021.

She lost an appeal against that decision in January 2024."

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Fine Notices for discussion of science are now available in

printed, digital and suppository form.

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Where is her story? Tell me more please.

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She has done several interviews over the past 4 years. Most are up on Rumble. This is one talking recently with NZ GP Sam Bailey.

Dr. Anne McCloskey: This Is The Fight Of Our Lives by Dr. Sam Bailey


Here is one from April 30th.

Dr Anne McCloskey with Alisa, 30/04/2024

A discussion With Dr Anne McCloskey and Alisa, This is the first of a series of podcasts to explain and expose the seamless cooperation of government, the military, the regulatory bodies, the legal industrial complex, the judicial and courts systems, the police service and enforcement agencies and the media in fraud and criminality.


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Thank you. I have not yet heard of Dr. Anne McCloskey's situation and resistance. Good for her!

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People like her, Dr. Hoffe, Dr. Chetty and many other good doctors - as well as people like Barry Young and Liz Gunn in NZ - are still being persecuted and prosecuted around the World for speaking out. The evil is ongoing.

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Gosh, I need to know more about each one. They are heroes!

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at






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I just read the comments and saw your post. Thank you for all the information you have provided about your site. I obviously love Theylied.ca It is such a great way of educating the masses of the complexity of the evil circulating in our world today. Your website has made it easier for me to provide much of the information needed to help many to accept that their government, public health, and mass media is supporting genocide and world government control. I am just preparing an email sharing your website to my mostly vaccinated contact list. Greatest gratitude for Theylied.ca

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I love it when you comment and then provide your link:) so we can sometimes have a conversation.

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Is this just for Canada, or do you have a US Chapter? Thank you.

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I think it is a Canadian website and it is useful for any country to use as they share the truth and cover the complex issues in the world at the moment. Excellent information. Thank you www.theylied.ca

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They are blocking this website, www.theylied.ca can’t open!

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I just tried it from Ontario, Canada with no problems nor have I ever had any in the past month or so.

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Caulfield’s “expertise” lies solely in his ability to milk the Trudeau Foundation of princely sums.

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Caulfield is nothing more than a paid shill for Big Pharma. Doubtful he will ever "repent" or apologize or wise up. No humility in the man. RFK Jr. has had the same thing happen for many years now. No one is willing to debate him - they know they can't win! So they use ad hominem attacks. Sigh. Some things never change.

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Why do they refuse to attend public discussions ?

As in a well know story, everyone would look at each of them and say :" The King is naked " .

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